Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Monday, March 29, 2010

Keeping up with the orders

The DVD is selling very well, so well that I'm ready to order another 100 to be burned. I really want to get the translation finished so the subtitles can be added along with the few corrections needed in spellings and credits.

I got another e-mail from Barnislav asking about more info. on my background. People have a hard time understanding that I don't have a degree much less a masters or doctorit (did I spell that correctly?). It will take him a little while to know me and understand I will do the work he wants me to do. I think we'll work well together because we have the same determination.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

A New Beginning

I've been introduced to Branislav Lazin a TV Journalist From Vrsac, Serbia. He has done a film on the German claensing just as I have and want's to continue. I was introduced to him by Ed Grunwald who was introduced to me by Kearn Schemm. If I were to make a kind of tree to show how all these people came into my life it would be ten feet tall and still growing.

The topic we're going to focus on is what happened to the orphans who parents were killed or died in the camps. Thousands of shildren were placed in these orphanages to be raised as Serbians or Russians amoung other nationalities and never knowing they are really German. Now these people who have found out where they really came from have stories to tell about the terrrible times they went through. Their lives were hard because they were not treated the same as the other children and didn't know why.

I have so much work to do preparing for the meeting in Chicago. Now is the time to start asking for funding. I've never done this before, but I think it's meant to be so the proposal I make will be excepted so Branislav and i will continue to tell these stories.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

business cards

I got them today, my business cards. Now I have a web site, business, the paper work going through to make my company official and I still haven't figured out a term for the genocide. I have stepped away from it for a couple days thinking that something will come to me if I don't think about it for a while. Do you think that will work?

I'm still getting orders for the DVD and I'm starting to get people lined up to interview for the next one so that's a good thing. When I get finished here I will contact someone I haven't yet which usually brings me someone else to interview. I truely beleive there are more survivors out there than we realize. This will help get the much needed information to get this in the history books. If we have more and more information no one will b able to ignore it anymore. So my job is far from over.

I must stay focused and get back on the wagon. My time off of thinking about a term or any aspect of the job at hand has come to an end. Until tomorrow.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

getting the word

I'm still trying to figure out what to call this genocide and at the same time trying to get the word out about the documentary. I'm getting orders everyday and I'm about to order me third burning, but I still have not reached enough people to make this a part of every schools history class. I'm following my own rule which is make a new contact everyday. I know this is going to take off, until then I must stay focused and keep introduceing new organizations to the DVD.

I still have to figure out a term for the genocide and there's so many different directions to go in I'm finding it hard to stay focused. I can do this, I will do this, I just have to do this.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

burnt out

This must be what it feels like to be burnt out. I know I want to do things to keep this going and I know that the longer I'm away form it the harder it will be to get back into it. These things are obvious. I'm still trying to do something everyday to keep moving forward. Making a new contact, sending the information to a new group or picking up the phone and talking to someone I haven't talked to for a long time to keep them aware that I'm still here. These are things I'm still doing regularly. The problem I'm having is focusing on a path to lead me to an end result. I haven't figured out a positive end result so I don't know how to set up the path to follow. Am I being redundent.

I'm still working on coining a term which is taking a lot of research. I think I need to look at this differently. I need to step back and focus on taking little steps then I think I'll be able to move forward more positively.

Friday, March 19, 2010

keeping up with it

I'm still working on the term that will explain the genocide. Something that will be known as soon as you hear this word.

I'm also trying to get the word out about this documentary and tell everyone it exists.

Still getting orders for the film does keep me going, but I can't stop here. I must keep working on the next film while I get the first one out to the public.

I must get back to work now.