Sunday, March 14, 2010

The Forgotten Genocide

I've just completed a three day conference ending with a documentary on the ethnic German cleansing that took place after WWII in Eastern Europe. The first of it's kind has brought an awareness to the public that's been hidden for 65 years. Millions and millions of people lost everything, homes, families and too many their lives becasue they're German and the world doesn't know about it. The secret has been kept too long.

My first film is The Forgotten Genocide which only scratches the service of what really happened. I will begin my second film immediately to build on what I've begun and to keep the awareness alive. I feel an unrest in getting as much information out there about this horrific part of history that's been hiden for too long.

I'm looking for people to interview and I can't get over how many survivors there are. Thank goodness for people taking better care of themselves and modern medicine. Between those two things I have many people to interview who lived through the death camps and have made the dicision to share their stories.

I was on a skype call today being asked to go to Germany for a conference following up on the conference I put together here in the states. I'm amazed at the overwhelming responce I'm getting form the work I've done. I'm proof that you can do anything you want, especially if you put blinders on ; ) It's been a lot of work but it hasn't been hard, at least not like digging a whole or building a house. It's been exact, researched, double checking kind of work. Everyday I had to set up new thing, person or place to go without forgetting to double check everything i did the da before and completing each task completely. Just as I'm doing with this blog.

This is my new best friend. I'm going to keep everything straight and let off a little steam now and than with this new friend.

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