Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Words are tricky

I've been researching how to coin a term by looking up how people to it and the thought process behind it. Words like genocide, holocaust and Donauswaben all came from putting two words together. The difference between genocide and holocaust verses Danueswaben is the first two have root words from Greek and Latin and when broken down into individual words you see the way they are written to be used in English is the reverse of how they're written in either one of those languages. Danueswaben is two words of German origin one naming a place and the other naming a people put together in that order to explain the place the group of people come from. It's so much easier to read and understand because there are no root words that come from other languages a person probably never heard of anyway.

I always loved words and thought I knew them pretty well, but I don't. I've learned this through looking up definition after definition trying to find the perfect word or combination of words to discribe this "thing" that happened. How do you discribe fear, torture, pain, starvation, exicution and murder in one or two words? I keep looking at words trying to figure out that magic term and it seems like it's hiding from me. I know it's out there. Something will click and it will uncover itself. Just like the documentary and conference uncovered itself and I wasn't looking for it, at least not the way it came together, it just did. Maybe I'm pushing too hard or not hard enough.

I feel I have to do as much as I can to bring this to the worlds minds eye. Somehow I have to make people see this the way I do. That's why it's so important to find the perfect word to discribe what happened to all these people. I'm not quiting.

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